Turkey charges 86 for 'coup plot'

A top Turkish prosecutor has brought charges against 86 people allegedly involved in a coup plot.

Aykut Cengiz Engin did not name those charged, but the indictment follows the arrest of two retired senior generals, leading businessmen and journalists.

The charges follow years of speculation about a shadowy group of hardline nationalists determined to defend the country's secular values.

Tensions have been rising in Turkey amid efforts to close the ruling party.

The Constitutional Court is considering a case against the AK Party, in which it is accused of aiming to introduce Sharia law in Turkey, in contravention of the strictly secular constitution.

The Turkish prime minister and president - both AKP members - are both named in that case and could be barred from office. They and the party reject the charges and say they are part of a campaign against the party.

On Monday prosecutor Mr Engin filed charges at an Istanbul court against 86 people, 48 of whom are already in custody.

"The indictment covers crimes such as forming an armed terror group... and attempting to overthrow the government by force," Mr Engin said.