China rejects BBC Darfur claims

China says a BBC documentary accusing Beijing of fuelling the war in Darfur by supplying military equipment and training to Sudan is "strongly biased".

On Monday, the BBC's Panorama programme revealed evidence that China had sent military trucks to Sudan, which were used in attacks on civilians in Darfur.

It also said China was training fighter pilots who fly Chinese A5 jets there.

But China's special envoy for Darfur, Liu Guijin, says his country has never violated a UN ban on arms to Darfur.

The UN embargo requires foreign nations to take measures to ensure they do not militarily assist anyone in the conflict in Darfur, in which the UN estimates about 300,000 people have died.

More than two million people are also believed to have fled their villages in Darfur, destroyed by pro-government Arab Janjaweed militia.